About IMM
The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Sw: Institutet Mot Mutor “IMM”) is a non-profit organization founded in 1923.
The Institute’s mission is to promote ethical decision processes within business as well as within the rest of the community and to prevent the use of bribes and other types of corruption as a means for affecting decision processes.
The Institute puts great emphasis on information to businesses and trade confederations, media and authorities on ethical business behaviour including laws and court cases on corruptive marketing and bribery.
The Institute has since its inception worked for self regulation as a means to combat corruption in society. In this manner, private business has been a driving force in the struggle against bribery and corruption and in convincing the government about the importance of forceful legislation on this topic. The Institute administers the Code to prevent Corruption in Business.
Structure and financing
The Institute’s principals are the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (Sw: Stockholms Handelskammare), the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (Sw: Sveriges Kommuner & Regioner) and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Sw: Svenskt Näringsliv). Partner organizations are the Swedish Bankers’ Association, the Swedish Construction Federation, the research based pharmaceutical companies (LIF) and the Swedish Trade Federation.
Organizations and companies can support the Institute as supporting member. Read more about this here (in Swedish).
Code to prevent Corruption in Business
Since its foundation in 1923, the Institute has worked to promote self-regulation as a means of combating corruption in society. In 2012, the Institute´s self-regulation “Code to prevent Corruption in Business” was first adopted by the Institute´s Board of Directors. The first version of the Code was produced in connection with the reform in 2012 of the Swedish legislation on bribery.
The Code should be viewed as a supplement to the legislation that complements and clarifies the criminal provisions in the sense that it provides an overall view of an ethically justifiable way of dealing with various situations and also as serving to prevent corruption. The Code covers the entire business sector and, not least, the relationship between the private and the public sector.
The current version of the Code was adopted by the Board of Directors on 10 June 2020 and is valid from 14 August 2020.
The Code is accessible as a pdf and in printed version. To order a printed version of the Code, please send an email to info@institutetmotmutor.se with information about delivery address and how many copies you would like. The Code is free of charge. However, for orders of 10 copies or more, actual freight costs will be invoiced.
The Code is also available in swedish, arabic, french, spanish and ukrainian here.

Foreign Delegations
If time allows, IMM welcomes foreign delegations to visit the Institute. If you would like to book a visit, please send an email to info@institutetmotmutor.se.
E-mail: info@institutetmotmutor.se
Phone: +46 10 256 99 80
Post address:
Institutet Mot Mutor
Box 27287
102 53 Stockholm
Visiting address:
Storgatan 19, Stockholm, Sweden.