I samband med OECD:s besök i Sverige samarrangerade Institutet Mot Mutor ett seminarium om korruptionsrisker tillsammans med Utrikesdepartementet och Transparency International Sverige. Läs mer nedan.
What are the risks of doing business in complex markets? What can we do to prevent or to minimize the risks of corruption and bribery in export markets? What are the tools for coping with these risks? How can business increase leverage to change?
Please come join us to discuss the challenges with corruption together with experts from the OECD, Business Sweden, and prominent business leaders. This unique seminar is organized by the Government Offices, the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute and Transparency International Sweden. Minister Linde will deliver a speech on key messages and the Government policy.
> Welcoming remarks from Ann Linde, Minister for Foreign Trade, with responsibility for Nordic affairs
Thereafter short briefs from the following speakers:
> Ylva Skoogh, Board Member, Transparency International Sweden
> Natali Phalén, Secretary-General, The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute
> Marie Trogstam, Manager for International Sustainable Business, Business Sweden
> William Loo, Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Division, OECD
The seminar will end with a discussion between company representatives about practical approaches to corruption risks. The panelists are Helena Sundén, Vice President Ethics, Skanska, Jörgen Hansén, Group Compliance Officer, Sweco and Sara Norell Murberger, Director Assortment & Purchasing, Systembolaget.
The seminar is moderated by Jakob Kiefer, Ambassador for Sustainable Business.